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學(xué)生互動Students said

But I'm happy. I make a living--來自在美留學(xué)的劉英的感言

來源:南寧本位教育咨詢服務(wù)有限公司 時間:2012-5-10 10:39:20 點(diǎn)擊:5991

每周五,郵報都會多投一個塑料包。里面裝著厚厚一沓各大商家投放的印刷廣告:Macy’s, Best Buy, Verizon, Safeway…數(shù)不勝數(shù)。廣告紙上印著好多coupon(優(yōu)惠印花券),剪下來去買該產(chǎn)品的話可以省個五毛一塊什么的。所以,周末在家剪coupon是美國大多數(shù)主婦都干的事。我不干這個,再說自己也沒那么多東西要買。但印刷廣告后附贈的那一本薄薄的WP Magazine(華盛頓郵報雜志)我卻是每期必看。里面的文章或洋灑或凝練,其中更不乏給出近期城中的各大活動資訊,生活妙方,即姿態(tài)高雅又不失平易近人。每期開篇第一章,必是城中一小人物的短訪。他們或是某家具店的小老板,或是某裁縫店的老師傅,或者是某醫(yī)院的接生護(hù)士。神學(xué)系的大學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)行做木匠,露宿街頭的法國學(xué)徒奮斗一生終于有了自己的裁縫店,母親死于難產(chǎn)的菲律賓小鎮(zhèn)姑娘決心投身醫(yī)學(xué),一個個小小人物看似平凡其實(shí)特別,勾勒出華府蕓蕓眾生相。誰說在DC只能正襟危坐談?wù)??躺下來,慢慢讀,一樣能發(fā)現(xiàn)這座城市的平凡樂趣。




I wanted to get out of Ethiopia to flee the military regime there. It was chaos. I took a scholarship from Russia; the intention was not to stay in Russia but to get out somehow to any Western country. I was a student in Russia for eight years, studying economic planning. From there, I got an invitation from my friend in New York.



It was a hard time for me in the beginning. I applied for political asylum, but my request was denied after 10 years. I tried to tell the judge that I really don’t want to be part of the Ethiopian government; this is my belief. But he said that I’m an economically highly privileged person in Ethiopia. I got my green card through my wife, who is an American citizen. I knew her back home, and we met again here.



I tried to look for work in economics, but what happened was every time I applied for jobs, they said I’m overqualified, they say, I have to have an American education credential. I have to live my day-to-day life, so I started driving a taxicab in Washington, and after that I got into this business. We’ve had the store for three years now.


When you get into the business, there are so many, many things that you have to work on: the paperwork, going and buying the merchandise, dealing with customers, dealing with the maintenance. All that is me and my wife. this is a never-ending job; we’re working 13, 14 hours a day. I didn’t have a vacation for the last three years, not a single one. Not a single day off.


My son is 11 years old. We try to teach him the value of work. He always asks me to buy something, and I tell him, “I don’t have that kind of money.” he says, “Why? You work at the store.” So one day I took him and told, “Johannes,”—his name is Johannes—“you know, I’m buying this computer stuff for you because I’m working hard; If I didn’t work hard, I cannot make any money, and you could not get this. From now on, you come to the store and help me, and you make money.” Otherwise, he’s thinking that things are easy for me.

This is my country now. I learned the value of work here: You don’t need to be an economist to live; you can be an unskilled laborer and make a living. But I’m also regretting something, because I could’ve done much better when I came to the United States. But I’m happy. I make a living.



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