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來源:南寧本位教育咨詢服務(wù)有限公司 時間:2012-4-25 10:50:41 點擊:9576


Background information

Issue under discussion

Personal idea (這也是我們常說的thesis statement)

Prediction (對文章總體內(nèi)容的預(yù)測,不強求考生在考試時候?qū)?/span>)

在這個必寫的前三點中,很多學(xué)生會發(fā)現(xiàn)背景信息無從下手,不知道怎么寫。于是,有了模板,就將題目里面的話硬生生地套進去了。當(dāng)然,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個有趣的現(xiàn)象,那就是,有的學(xué)生用固定句型套進去后得了高分,有的則相反,為什么會出現(xiàn)這種情況,我們將在其他的文章中提到。今天,我們將重點落在如何寫background information上。要寫好Background information 首先要在審題的時候搞清楚什么是facts,什么是 view,分清這兩點是我們寫好開頭的,包括全文正文議論部分的重點。


Example 1

Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Do you support or oppose this statement?

Example 2

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.


這句話“Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities.”是一個觀點。其中say告訴我們,這個是個人持有的想法,而且是可以提出反對意見并對其進行批駁的,因此也被稱為debatable statement。

表示提出觀點的同義詞有:think, believe, hold, maintain, state, claim, present, support, be in favor of, be for, be opposite to, object to, be against…

在開頭段中要求給出的background information應(yīng)該是一個事實信息,因此,在例1中,我們不可以通過照抄題目,當(dāng)作background information。所謂的背景信息,你只要問自己一個問題,即:在一個怎么樣的社會環(huán)境下產(chǎn)生了一個有爭議的話題。回答了這個問題,background information就出來了。

1 中給出有些人認為建更多的道路能減緩大城市交通擁堵狀況。提出這個觀點的前提是存在交通擁堵情況,并且很嚴重,需要解決。交通擁堵情況的產(chǎn)生的根源是大量使用汽車、或者是道路規(guī)劃存在問題等,因此這些就是這個話題的前提,也就是在這個背景下,產(chǎn)生了這個話題,因此background information就應(yīng)運而生了。比如我們可以寫成:

Sample 1:

With the popularity of automobile in big cities, an increasing number of problems have arisen, one of which is the traffic congestion.

在內(nèi)容有了之后,我們就要開始追求詞匯和句型了,paraphrase是重要技巧之一。全篇文章中要做paraphrase 的地方很多,比如如何闡述要討論的話題,body部分的concluding sentence,結(jié)尾段的restatement of the thesis statement; summarize the topic sentences. 包括在小作文中也很重要。 我們也會在之后的博文中重點討論如何paraphrase。


Sample 2:

When technology accelerates, an inevitable consequence brought with it is the unprecedented problems arising from it. Similarly, the enjoyment of automobile in modern cities also leaves people an ever intricate problem---the traffic congestion.


In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

題目給出在一些國家,年輕人被鼓勵在高中畢業(yè)和大學(xué)之間,花一年的時間來工作或旅游。這個就被稱為了non-debatable statement,因為這個做法已經(jīng)存在,也沒法去反駁,因此是個事實信息。我們就可以直接把它拿來做背景了。完全照抄是不得不到高分的,paraphrasesentence variety的功力就要體現(xiàn)在這里了,參考Sample


Instead of directly attending university after the graduation from high school, youngsters in some countries are encouraged to spend one year working or travelling around first.

Sample 2:

There is a tendency that high school graduates are urged to work or travel for one year before their receiving higher education.


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